Louisiana is a land shrouded in mystery. From the grand plantation of Oak Alley, to the gardens of Shreveport, to the soul of New Orleans, the state is rich in tradition. But for the love of all that is holy, Saints included, Louisianans have a lot of fights to fight. Catastrophes like Katrina and Rita are trying to steal the coastline, while other less obvious assailants are attacking the very foundation of Louisiana – its people.
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Home Security Provider Requirements for Louisiana
If you live in Louisiana and want to protect yourself, you have some options. You could feed your neighborhood alligator, load your Nerf Gun with Crystal’s, or invest in a home security system. But before you do, you may want to know if the Pelican State has laws in place to protect you.
When it comes to protecting its people, Louisiana gets an A+. They have several laws governing those who want to install security systems. R.S. 40:1664 Life Safety and Property Protection Licensing lays down the law or rather regulations. Short and sweet, this law says that nobody can install alarm systems or run an alarm company in Louisiana without a license. Any company that wants to do business must provide proof that they hold a minimum of five hundred thousand dollars in liability coverage. And if you are an individual wanting to work for a home security company? Be prepared to geaux big or geaux home.
Individuals seeking licensing cannot be a convicted felon, must comply with any established testing or educational requirements, pass a criminal background check, and be willing to pay a licensing fee. And if you run a home security company and have plans to canvas Louisiana neighborhoods, think again. The Fire Marshall has been known to pass out a fine or two to those looking to circumvent the process, with fines handed out both to individuals and to unlicensed companies reaching the $18,000 mark.
In the words of Louisiana State Fire Marshall Browning,
“It’s all about protecting the lives and property of our citizens and ensuring that convicted felons are not in homes and businesses.”
Feel happy Louisiana; your state loves you.
But it isn’t all crawfish and jambalaya in the Pelican State, while Louisiana is stiff on licensing, they do not require that those installing your security system possess electrical knowledge. That means that the person drilling holes in your wall and messing with your wires may have little to no knowledge of low-voltage systems. My advice? Choose wireless Louisiana. You can order a wireless home security system fully dressed, just like your po’ boy.
Home Security Cameras in Louisiana
So is Louisiana as stringent on those who want to add a home security camera as they are on home security providers? Yes and no. Louisiana wants to give its citizens the right to protect their homes, but they also want to protect citizens. Let’s put it like this, if you want to install a home security camera to protect your home, go for it! If you want to install a home security camera in order to steal your neighbor’s gumbo secrets, think again.
LA Rev. Stat. § 14:283 covers video voyeurism and penalties and it’s clear in its intent. Residents cannot use cameras to spy on others, but they also can’t use cameras for the purpose of voyeurism. In short, keep your camera out of your bathrooms and bedrooms and you should be safe. If you don’t follow the rules, you could be facing up to a two thousand dollar fine or two years in prison.
Safety During Natural Disasters
While there may be a random disaster here or there, for the most part, Louisianians deal with hurricanes, floods, and heat – and sometimes they fight all three at once. In 2005, a 28-foot storm surge toppled levees, flooding much of New Orleans, with summer temperatures sizzling the Crescent City. How can one prepare for such an event? No amount of voodoo can stop a hurricane’s fury, but reducing the pain felt by a disaster is possible through preparation.
Ready.gov suggests that you know your evacuation route and use it should a hurricane threaten the area. You can also make a disaster supply kit including flashlights, batteries, cash, and first aid supplies. We also suggest you have at least three days worth of clean water (per person) and store high calorie, non-perishable snacks, as well as medications for those who need it. It is recommended that during an emergency, you drink at least a half gallon of water every day. But when you are facing extreme heat, as is often the case in Louisiana, you will need more. Drinking water is one of the best defenses against extreme heat. While you may be tempted to whip up a Pat O’Brien’s style hurricane, don’t. You should avoid things that dehydrate you like caffeine and alcohol.
If you’re looking into home security in Louisiana, do you research, though your state is doing its best to protect you, they can’t eliminate all of the regional bloodsuckers, mosquitos included.